When you take on the large task of applying to college, a part you’re likely to dread most is writing an essay. Why? Because it can be so hard to get started!


But, we can help. Most of you will be asked to write an essay about your community service experiences, and most of you already know that other applicants have had experiences similar to yours. So, how do you make yourself stand out?


First, plan in advance, and check out Baylor University’s excellent guide to help you organize and focus your thoughts. Also, take a look at our earlier post about avoiding common pitfalls.

Then, when you’re ready to write, consider these useful tips to help you write a stellar community service essay.

Start in the Middle of the Action

If a professional writer reviewed the first draft of your essay, he or she might cross out the first couple of paragraphs and instruct you to turn the middle into the beginning. That’s because a great way to hook your reader is to start in the middle of the action. Remember, your readers are reviewing hundreds – maybe thousands – of other community service essays. Perk them up by grabbing their attention from the get-go. Get rid of most of your background information, especially if it’s covered in your resume already. Select a poignant moment, and go from there.

Show Your Personality

A community service essay is your chance to let your readers get to know the real you – not the “you” that your teachers see in your term papers. It’s okay to use “I” statements, to thread in some humor, and to share your personal reflections. Be genuine, and let your voice set the tone. Make sure to complement the bullet points of your resume with anecdotal stories that show your values. By the end of your essay, your readers should have a clear understanding of how your passions led you to choose such an activity, and how it helped you grow.

Include Thoughtful Details

Professional writers commonly offer sage advice to budding writers: “Show, don’t tell.” That goes for community service essays, as well. Explaining significant moments is much more effective if you illustrate them in action, instead of describing them with a bunch of adjectives. For example, a mediocre sentence might be, “When I served homeless people meals at a soup kitchen, I learned to value what is really important in life.” A more effective way to convey the same point might be, “As I watched families in tattered clothing walk through the line for a free meal, it felt like the smart phone in my pocket got heavier and heavier. I knew then that I should spend less time and money on the latest fad and more time and money on serving others.”

Demonstrate Growth

The heart of your community service essay should show how you developed. Personal growth might be experienced because of the team you worked with, or the mistake you made that taught you a valuable lesson. It’s okay to show your readers a bit of humility. Dig deep and consider how your perspective evolved as a result of your experience. Show readers how your routines or priorities changed after you completed your service. Remember, community service is all about making a difference, so be sure to demonstrate how you and your team made an impact on a worthy cause.

Finish Strong

When you end your essay, you want to leave your readers thinking about your experience hours later, or even days later. A good way to achieve this is by finishing with some thoughts or questions that your experience prompted. You can indicate how you answered these questions, or explain how you’re still considering them. If you have ideas of how to continue serving the same cause, suggest ways you might accomplish this while a student at their school. Don’t be shy about pointing out a resource or initiative that the school has already in place, and explain how you could contribute to it. This will show your readers that you are genuinely committed to advancing the common good.


When you finish, leave your essay alone for at least 24 hours, and then return to it to proofread. This will allow you to read it with fresh eyes and ears. Ask a trustworthy family member or teacher to read it and give you feedback. After you proofread it several more times, you’re ready to submit!


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