Proper volunteer management software does so much more than simply track hours.  Learn how the right solution strengthens the integrity of your program, creates more responsible citizens and three additional benefits you haven't considered. 

1. Create More Responsible Young Citizens 

Not only are our younger generations more connected than ever, the majority of Gen Alpha (the generation after Gen Z) say they want to use technology to make a difference.  That's why four out of five students will log service the very day they serve given the MobileServe volunteer management software.  Giving students proper volunteer management software empowers them to report their impact in real time; making more engaged young citizens while eliminating the hallway conversations about paper forms and static websites.      

2. Improve Your Program's Integrity

No one can be with every student at every service site. Proper volunteer management software provides an additional level of data integrity with service log verifications.  The issue of false service hours is so prevalent that not only should the college admissions scandal come to mind, but student newspapers are running stories about their own students! MobileServe provides five digital verification methods for a service supervisor to verify the details of the service log.  This additional level of verification allows proper volunteer management software to provide data integrity in ways antiquated processes simply cannot. 

3. Maximize Learning Outcomes

Volunteer management software eliminates so much of the manual back and forth required to submit, verify and report hours using paper forms or spreadsheets.  MobileServe partners regularly report getting 80% of their time back when implementing a proper volunteer management software.  How would your students benefit if you had 80% more time to focus on impact assessments, skills building and reflections?  For many programs that would be weeks of instructional time returned to the classroom.  A topic so important that lists cut down on wasted time in their 9 Time Management Musts for Volunteers

4. Integrate Directly with Your Tech Stack

Integrated is always better than outdated.  Volunteer management software helps place the good your students do in the community front and center rather than in a filing cabinet.  MobileServe's volunteer management software integrates directly with Blackbaud and PowerSchool while offering additional sign on options for Microsoft accounts and Google accounts

5. Connect Volunteers to More Opportunities

Proper volunteer management software connects volunteers to service opportunities locally and virtually. Because volunteer management software can crowdsource opportunities in real time,  proper software quickly allows users to identify a world of always-current service opportunities antiquated processes simply cannot provide. For example, MobileServe integrates directly with one of the largest provider of volunteer opportunities in the world and connects directly to nonprofits across the country to connect our community to opportunities with over 130,000 nonprofits! 

Related Reading:


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